Through $5M funding by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and $3.75M funding by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), the University of Utah and University of Calgary will establish and co-lead the U.S.-Canada Center on Climate-Resilient Western Interconnected Grid. The Western Interconnected Grid, commonly known as “the Western Interconnection,” is…

The Utah Smart Energy Laboratory (U-Smart) has an immediate opening for one Postdoctoral Research Associate on developing solutions to enhance the resilience of power systems against climate-driven disturbances (e.g., wildfire, heatwave). The ideal candidate would have expertise and prior experience on big data analytics, machine learning, and optimization techniques, with application in power systems. Knowledge…

The Utah Smart Energy Laboratory (U-Smart) in collaboration with the IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) organized the 2022 IEEE PES Grid Resilience Workshop on September 8, 2022, in person at the University of Utah. The workshop was broadcasted live to virtual attendees. For more information about the workshop and agenda please visit: https://usmart.ece.utah.edu/2022-grid-resilience-workshop/ Workshop photos:

U-Smart Ph.D. student, Alex Farley, is one of only 10 students selected worldwide to participate in the Future Nobel Laureate Scholarship Program for 2022. This program is a semester-long course in which participants work with other students from around the world collaborating on global issues. Congratulations Alex! Read more at ECE department news.

The Utah Smart Energy Laboratory (U-Smart) at the University of Utah is always looking for motivated and talented students to join the group. The ideal candidates would have expertise in machine learning methods, control theory, mathematical optimization, and hardware-in-the-loop simulation, with applications in power systems. The successful applicants will receive Research Assistant positions, along with…

The U-Smart team, including Ph.D. students Majid Majidi, Alex Farley, and Luis F. Rodríguez-Garcia, have just received the grand prize in Phase 1 of the U.S. Department of Energy Hydropower Operations Optimization (H2Os) Prize. Read more about the prize at this ECE news.

Dr. Masood Parvania is named a Presidential Scholar at the University of Utah. The award recognizes the extraordinary academic accomplishments and promise of up to four mid-career faculty, providing them with financial support to advance their teaching and research work. Presidential scholars are selected each year, and the recipients receive $10,000 in annual funding for…

Dr. Mohamad El Hariri, Research Assistant Professor at U-Smart, received the best paper award at 2020 Resilience Week for his paper on Implementation of IEEE Standard 1547-2018 for DER Communication Interface using Data Distribution Service . In this paper, a publish-subscribe data-centric communication scheme with automatic network discovery is selected to implement the DER local communication…

Dr. Roohallah Khatami receives 2020 Outstanding Dissertation Award of the College of Engineering and department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Utah. Dr. Khatami defended his Ph.D. dissertation, titled “continuous-time optimization of power systems operation”, on August 2019, and published a total of 20 journal and conference papers during his Ph.D. studies.…

Jacob Collins, Senior Undergraduate Student at the U-Smart lab receives the 2019-2020 IEEE PES John W. Estey Outstanding Scholar Award from the IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) Scholarship Plus Initiative. The IEEE PES John W. Estey Outstanding Scholar Award is distributed annually to the top PES Scholars in each of the six IEEE U.S.…

Dr. Parvania receives a 2019 Faculty Recognition Award from the Career & Professional Development Center at the University of Utah. Nominated by students, the award aims to recognize faculty members who have contributed to career development or exploration of students in University of Utah. The awardees were recognized during the awards banquet held on April…

Brian Lehi Smith, Senior undergraduate student at U-Smart received the 2019 Outstanding Electrical Engineering Senior Project Award in the ECE Department at University of Utah. The Award was given during the ECE Awards banquet on April 12, 2019. Brian’s project developed a new model for controlling supercapacitors for high-dynamic load management in MVDC shipboard microgrids.…

Utah Smart Energy Laboratory (U-Smart) has received a three-year, $4.4 million research award from the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) to advance solar energy’s role in strengthening the resilience of the U.S. electricity grid. This project will develop an automated resilience management system (ARMS) to enhance the city’s power grid in case…

Konstantinos Oikonomou’s research on water-energy nexus is featured by the Lassonde Entrepreneurship Institute at the University of Utah in their 2019 Student Innovation @ the U report. Great job Konstantinos! Read the article online: https://lassonde.utah.edu/saving-water-energy/

A team of four U-Smart students participated in the U.S. DOE CyberForce Competition, and stood in the second place at the regional competition held on Dec. 1, 2018, at Idaho National Laboratory (INL) in Idaho Falls, Idaho. The U-Smart team included Jonathon Brugman, AmarachiUmunnakwe, MohammedKhan, and Philip Smith. The competition aimed to increase cybersecurity awareness around…

The U-Smart lab is awarded a three-year, $2 million grant from the U.S. Navy’s Office of Naval Research beginning July 1 to develop the next generation of microgrid controllers with built-in cyber-security solutions. As part of this project, U-Smart will build and host a testbed to test and validate the microgrid controllers. U-Smart will also partner with the Utah Science…

Dr. Parvania receives the 2017 IEEE Utah Section Outstanding Educator Award. The award was given during the Awards banquet held on May 19, 2018. The Outstanding Educator Award is given annually to a IEEE member who have inspired an appreciation and understanding of Mathematics, Science and Technology and the engineering process in students, and who have encouraged students…

Mr. Roohallah Khatami, a third-year PhD candidate in U-Smart, receives the 2017 IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid Best Reviewer Award! Congratulations Roohallah, well-deserved! See the full list of recipients: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=8233362

The U-Smart lab is currently looking for talented and self-motivated Postdoctoral Scholars and PhD students who are passionate to pursue their PhD degree towards shaping the future sustainable and resilient power and energy systems. The Postdoctoral Scholars and PhD students will work on funded projects and receive competitive salary and benefits. We are specifically looking for candidates with…

U-Smart senior students, Brian Barkey, Camille Saint Louis, Krysta Rasmussen, and Frank Tsai, received the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Best Senior Project Award. Congratulations the team! The team presented their project on “Analyzing and Mitigating Electromagnetic Interference Between Power Lines and Commercial Irrigation Systems” during the ECE technical open house held on April 20, 2017, and received the Best Senior…